

Learn the skills vital to maintaining the continual development of the virtual world and the possibilities for human interaction with it.

以B开头achelor of Science in 计算机科学 from 澳门十大赌城官方网站, you can take your place in the ever-evolving field of computer programming and learn to create computer programs with 语言 like C++ and Java. Or, 你可以用你的学位来开发软件, designing programs on a broader scale to interact with the human element.

以B开头.S. 在计算机科学领域, you’ll be prepared to become a computer specialist, a profession where you’ll format programs to work on an increasing variety of platforms, 包括网络和基于云的服务. Earn your degree at FSU to add immense value to your résumé and set you up for a range of career opportunities in the tech field!

Real-World Applications of Your 计算机科学 Major

Want to test your skills in a real-life setting? 通过实习机会, you can put your education into action and gain real-world experience using the skills you’ve acquired 在澳门十大赌城官方网站.


  • 四年计划
    浏览基础知识,然后深入研究. 的 four-year plan for the 计算机科学 major 包括数学基础课程, 计算机科学, 数字逻辑和数据结构与分析. Once you’ve spent time mastering these subjects, you’ll dive even deeper into more advanced topics like programming language principles, 操作系统, 并行计算与计算理论.

  • 在动态设施中学习
    Our CS majors will study in the Gira Center for Communication and Information Technologies, a dynamic new facility designed around the needs of modern 计算机科学 and communication students. 你也可以 get more involved on campus with Upsilon Pi Epsilon, the 计算机科学 honor society or the student-led Computer Club.

  • 建立一个知识网络
    ant to hone your math skills and add valuable experience to your résumé? 辅修数学, you can create deeper connections between your 计算机科学 knowledge and more advanced principles of mathematics. 你也可以 explore the other complementary minor offerings 在澳门十大赌城官方网站.

  • 实践经验
    掌握你在工作中会用到的技能. 你在B课上学到了什么.S. 在计算机科学领域 program is what you’ll need to perform the job functions of a wide range of professions within the computing field. 在传统的课堂讲座之外, you’ll have practical experience with the systems and tools you’ll encounter in the real world.



Median pay for computer programmers (BLS 2021)






Job opportunities for 计算机科学 majors are boundless as demand increases for new software, 设备与工业, 比如激活医疗记录. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to 2021年至2031年间增长15%, much faster than the average for all occupations.


除了广泛的基础 通识教育 课程, 作为一名计算机专业的学生, you'll also learn the basics of 计算机科学 and experience working with modern tools and programs. B.S. 在计算机科学学位会教你:

  • To adapt to new innovations in the technological world and to familiarize yourself with the latest AIs, 语言, 计算机编程的工具和技术. You’ll also learn about computer ethics, an important aspect of the computing profession.
  • To develop your own capstone project that highlights your work in the program, including a portfolio of your professional vita, best examples of your research or program papers and other materials that showcase your hard work and achievement.

看到 项目课程描述 去了解更多你将学到的东西.

的re are so many ways to get involved and create connections on campus. I’ve had so many great experiences here and hope that students come here and create some great experiences on their own.

Tasia Smith, Communication Studies Major; Graphic Design and Computer Information System Minors


With all the hands-on experience you’ll gain in our program, it’s no wonder 计算机科学 graduates from 澳门十大赌城官方网站 have gone on to do impressive things.


  • 计算机取证专家
  • IT经理
  • 网络安全专家
  • 服务器/数据库管理员
  • 软件工程师


  • 苹果
  • 波音公司
  • 联邦调查局(FBI)
  • 谷歌
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司

As a 计算机科学 major, you can use your skills to develop a video game.

Jared Emerick, ʼ22 Frostburg State graduate, used Unity and Minimax to build a virtual chess game.

Enter a dynamic and evolving career field with a bachelor’s degree 在计算机科学领域.

以B开头achelor of Science in 计算机科学 degree from Frostburg State, you’ll be well equipped to enter the world of tech with a mastery of important programming tools and a skill set that makes you an asset to a wide variety of employers.
